Chancellor Neighsay (formerly) - Former Enemy turned Ally.Captain Celaeno (formerly) - Enemy turned Ally.Queen Novo (formerly) - Former Enemy turned Ally.Flim Flam Brothers (formerly) - Archenemies turned Allies.Trixie Lulamoon (formerly) - Former enemy turned Ally.Tempest Shadow (formerly) - Enemy turned Ally.Nightmare Moon - former enemy turned Ally.Countess Coloratura ("Rara" for short) - Ally.Starlight Glimmer - Enemy turned Ally and Friend.Twilight Sparkle - Ally and Best Friend.She explains to Twilight in "Feeling Pinkie Keen" that "those of us who have been in Ponyville a while, have learned over time that, if Pinkie's-a-twichin', you better listen." She gets upset with Twilight for using magic for Winter Wrap Up and tells her it is not how they do it around here, especially not on her farm. Throughout the series, Applejack tells Twilight Sparkle about the way things are in Ponyville. This action is later explained as representative of Applejack's honesty, in the rather contrived fashion of not telling Twilight Sparkle why she had to let go, and simply asked Twilight Sparkle to trust her, possibly because Twilight Sparkle would have panicked otherwise. In the second episode, when Twilight Sparkle is about to fall off a cliff, Applejack convinces her to let go so Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy can catch her. Twilight first meets Applejack and the rest of the Apple family when checking up on food preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration. Once there she realizes that she truly belonged there, and finally gains her cutie mark. The rainbow left in the wake of Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom leads her to return home to the farm. Once there, however, she finds it hard to fit in and becomes terribly homesick. The young Applejack leaves the farm to live with her upper-class relations, the Oranges, in the big city called Manehatten (a play on words based on a real city, Manhattan). Applejack was the last one in her class to get her cutie mark, a trait that seems to run in the family.